Driving in good weather is a normal daily occurrence for most, but for some of us good weather is a blessing. So if you are in a region that sees nasty winters, then you should be able to relate to our Winter driving tips.
Do you remember when you first got your license and you stepped out of your house and realized you would have to drive in snow. At first, everything seemed normal. Probably didn't anticipate your car needed to be warmed up as bit before getting on the road. You go through the routine of scrapping off all the snow piled onto your car. Again nothing too crazy, and seemed like not a big deal. Then coming up on your first turn at the first intersection, you go sliding out of control. For a select few of these people, they start to get the hang of it, and even start sliding on purpose just to get the hang of it. But for most people, they come to the realization that Winter Driving is different and requires extra attention.
Tip #1 Make sure your tires are properly inflated before driving in the cold. Maintain the correct manufacture recommended tire pressure that can be fopund on the tire or on the inside of your drivers side door. AirMan®. Under inflated tires can result in punctures to occur more easily, not to mention using more fuel then required.
Tip#2 Drive slowly in the snow, visibility and control is reduced, especially if it is snowing and there is ice forming on the roads. So always be extra careful and look out for ice that forms in intersections, under bridges, or when in vast open areas where the wind is strong. When you feel that road conditions are a bit too icy for your liking, try driving in a lower gear. For automatic cars, this would be the 1 or 2 indicator under the "D". You will immediately realize that you have much more control when driving on icy roads.
Tip#3 Always look and steer where you want to go, as icy road conditions may cause for you to slide or spin out of control. When you are looking to where you are intending to go, your hands will naturally lean towards that direction. Opposed to not looking where you steer, which may cause you to veer in the wrong direction.
Tip#4 Never hard break if you need to make a sudden stop, otherwise you will just lose grip, and the ABS won’t kick in in time therefore creating you to slide, and perhaps end up in a collision. In abrupt braking situations, pump your brake like a kick drum, so the ABS can kick in for you and mechanically come to a more sudden stop. If your car doesnt have ABS, pumping your brake mimics ABS done manually.
Tip#5. Always plan ahead, don’t leave home without equipping a few key winter driving tools. (Shovel, ice scraper, tire repair kit, flashlight, cell phone or two way radio, a couple of 2X4’s to act as tracks if you are stuck in snow.
Not so much as a tip, but if you are not a fan of shoveling snow, don't forget to salt your driveway and sidewalk. Keep a good snow shovel close to your car And not on the far side of your garage. These are just a few quick tips, if you have any more good pointers p[lease leave a comment below.